Ep: 22 Staying Healthy During a PCS
May 15, 2018
"Moving is one of the top stressors in life, right along with death of a loved one, divorce, a major illness, and job less" says Carol Morgan of The Huffington Post (Check out the full article here). With all that stress, it can really take a toll on your physical health. But if you get in control of it before you start the move, you might be able to reduce the impact. On this episode, I talk to Tatiana Mone of Tatiana Mone Fitness. She gives some amazing tips and advice on how to stay healthy before, during, and after a PCS.
Tatiana wears many hats on a daily basis. She is a military wife, mother, project manager, fitness competitor and Certified Health and Wellness Coach. Her journey to health and balance came out of necessity. She was unhappy, over her healthy weight, in toxic relationships, and too career focused. She had always known what it meant to look healthy but she had to learn what overall wellness really meant. She had to learn to let go of the negativity in my life, set clear goals, and focus on what was important. Today She is an empowered, happy, and loving my life. Her goal is to inspire others and equip them with the tools to live a happy healthy, balanced life.
You can find her:
FB Group: Facebook.com/groups/tmfwellbalanced
https://www.tatianamonechallenges.com/ https-www-tatianamonechallenges-com-lifechangerbetatest
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tatianamonefitness/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tatianamonefitness/
About Milfamily Podcast
Sheena is the host of the podcast. She has been a MilSpouse since 2009 and still feels like a newbie most of the time. She created this podcast as a way to bring the military community together. It can be a difficult lifestyle, but also very rewarding. She wants everyone to know that no matter whether they fit the cookie cutter mold of what a spouse should be or they don't, everyone should be accepted and made to feel that they belong. There is space enough here for all of us here to create and be a part of the military community.
After meeting her husband in 2007, they moved to Texas three months after getting married. She's learned a lot of lessons about what it means to be a part of the military community and left a lot of her preconceived notions behind a long time ago. While in Texas, she got her Master's in Secondary Education and became a teacher. Becoming an educator has shaped a lot of her world view. Currently, she is raising two beautiful, rambunctious boys with her husband in Virginia.
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