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The National Military Family Association Military Spouse Scholarship Deadline is Fast Approaching. Don't Miss Out On This Great Opportunity!

11 January 2018 by

What a great opportunity for #milspouses interested in going to school, pursuing a license, getting clinical hours, etc to receive a scholarship. Hurry and apply, the deadline is fast approaching! Please #spreadtheword and tag any friends who you think might be interested in this great opportunity!

Joanne Holbrook Patton
Military Spouse Scholarship Application

The National Military Family Association is the leading nonprofit organization committed to strengthening and protecting military families. The mission of this scholarship program is to help prepare military spouses for meaningful employment and to better contribute to their family's financial security.

Military Spouse Scholarships
Scholarships + Career Funds

NMFA awards an average of $500 for career funding and $1,000 for degrees. Up to $2500 is available for clinical supervision towards licensure in the mental health profession. Spouses are also eligible for funding, typically $1,000, to build their own businesses. This includes entrepreneurs, LLCs, direct sales, franchises, contractors, and other for-profit ventures. Any spouse with a valid military ID is eligible.
To login into your scholarship account click here>>
You are eligible to apply for a spouse scholarship if you:
  • are a military spouse with a valid military ID
  • are married to an active duty, reserve, guard, retired, medically retired, wounded or fallen service member (must be a service-related wound, illness, injury or death that took place after September 11, 2001)
  • are a dual service military spouse
  • are a divorced spouse, but ONLY if you receive 20/20/20 benefits or 20/20/15 benefits
  • are married when we ask for verification paperwork, usually a month after the applications close

Here’s who is not eligible:

  • Surviving spouses who are remarried, unless they are remarried to a service member
  • Children (Check the Defense Commissary Agency Military Children Scholarships at www.fisherhouse.org)
  • Spouses of former service members, unless they are retired or medically-retired


Learn more about National Military Family Association

NMFA is a proud member of the Defense Department’s Military Spouse Employment Partnership.
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