Veterans Art and Farm Therapy-Hampton Roads
1057 West Road
Chesapeake, VA 23323
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Phone: (757) 553-6263
Service Offerings
Veterans receive emotional and physical therapy doing agricultural activities. Participates ride horses, grow vegetables, till the soil and make art.
Art Fun is a way for adults to enjoy companionship, food and artistic activities from a trained art therapist.
This program is similar to the 'paint nights' Mrs. Barnes holds at Deep Creek United Methodist Church. The inspiring artists bring food and share snacks while working on painting projects designed to provide easy, medium, and challenging levels of difficulty.
These same activities are also available for veterans during the winter months when outdoor activities are reduced due to weather conditions. Activities include painting, mixed media and ceramics.
Veterans get great theraputic help from interaction with animals. Horses and ponies at Stargazer Stables are gentle from years of working with children.
Veterans Health Administion already uses equine therapy. Joe Grimard, a recreational therapist at the Edith Nourse Rogers Memorial Veterans Hospital says, "It’s my job to get these guys back out into the community, doing healthy things." These men need to replace negative experiences with positive interactions. Going to a farm and working with horses is a great way to start getting your life back on track.
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Nature provides peace of mind. Getting outdoors also stimulates physical exercise. Providing activities that people enjoy outdoors increases the likelyhood of them participating in the theraputic process that heals the soul.
Some people prefer the solitude of nature and benefit from activities that are just between them and the earth. Farm therapy provides this experience in a safe and tranquil surrounding.
Participates have access to raised bed gardens to till, weed, and nurture. There are mulberry, blueberry, pear, and peach fruit trees to prune and pluck. And there is compost pile to churn into soil.
This is when participates can bring their children and enjoy the same farm activities as their veteran counterpart. Horseback riding, swimming in the pond, vegitable picking and poultry feeding are all available.
Participates bring a lunch and eat under a gigantic Elm Tree on picnic tables as kids swing on the Elm tree swing. Large Mouth Bass, Sunfish, and Catfish all can be caught in the pond as well. It is a good wholesome time for the entire family.
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