Blog Posts by Mamas and Coffee®

Photo Courtesy of Every few years we tell our parents that we are moving. Moving further away and even though they are happy for us career-wise, a little piece of them is saddened about missing out on the grandkids growing up. Our kids didn’t have the opportunity to spend the night with their grandparents whenever they wanted or hang out at their house all weekend. They also didn’t have the chance to cuddle up with their favorite book for grandma or papa to read to them. One of my fondest memories as a kid is sitting with my granny and listening to her to read The Little ... read more

How are we surviving our latest PCS? Boy oh boy. It’s been the most interesting one for sure, but in a nutshell, we haven’t totally flipped our wigs yet. We’ve been close, but everyone is still alive and functioning. Every day I remind myself that we are just out here living and SURVIVING A PCS LIKE A BOSS! Let me start with Carlos. #TeamCarlos left the island before any of us. He flew the friendly skies with Delta Airlines and spent a month with my in-laws. Dude is still acting like he’s at his grandparents’ house. They allowed him to sit on the furniture or in their laps and do pretty much ... read more