Blog Posts tagged in "Military PCS"

How are we surviving our latest PCS? Boy oh boy. It’s been the most interesting one for sure, but in a nutshell, we haven’t totally flipped our wigs yet. We’ve been close, but everyone is still alive and functioning. Every day I remind myself that we are just out here living and SURVIVING A PCS LIKE A BOSS! Let me start with Carlos. #TeamCarlos left the island before any of us. He flew the friendly skies with Delta Airlines and spent a month with my in-laws. Dude is still acting like he’s at his grandparents’ house. They allowed him to sit on the furniture or in their laps and do pretty much ... read more

Got Orders? PCS Proof Your Military Child’s School Transition Those PCS order just hit…cue the insanity. If you’re moving with school-aged children, the process just got a whole lot harder. School transitions are super hard! Not only are you moving all of your things and your family, you’re also going to be searching for schools. With so many options out there, it’s a lot to take in. Instead of freaking out, make your child’s school move as seamless as possible! PCS Proof Your Military Child’s School Transitions Now, just like regular PCSing, moving your child’s move easier is never a 100% gu... read more

When moving to a new military community, finding a quality school can sometimes pose a challenge. There are often new curriculums, different ways of teaching, different budgets and so on. Many military families have turned to private schools when moving to new military communitiesto streamline the process. Trinity Lutheran School located in Newport News, Virginia is our featured school of the week with a lot to offer. Learn more about their curriculum, sports, mission and upcoming open house below. TRINITY LUTHERAN SCHOOL Overlooking the James River in the Huntington Heights Historic District... read more

Story by: Senior Airman Krystal Wright (502nd Air Base Wing) To make PCS moves a smoother process for military families, the Department of Defense has launched a new website that allows them to submit an online request for child care before they even get to their next destination. This single online gateway provides access to comprehensive information on military-operated and military-subsidized child care options worldwide, according to the new Military Child Care website, . Through this system, military families are able to update their online profile, searc... read more

We are so excited to announce our newly designed website is LIVE! Want to know more about What You'll Find on the New Website? MB has broken down the site and added snapshots to give you a glimpse into all the New features. We also have information on HOW YOU can Be a Part of The MB Community. MB has added on several new features to better serve the military community in the PCS process. We realized that there was a huge VOID in resources for military members & families when PCSing to new military communities . Our mission is to help take the stress out of military moves by providing the oppo... read more